Firegal Designs is custom designed photography and graphic designs that empower the imagination.

People often asked what my college degree was in and I would say Marketing & Advertising following up jokingly that it fit right with my career in the fire service! While I used the skill sparingly in the fire service I always felt that I was only using about 20% of my talents while I was there. If you had said to me 20 years ago I would become an artist I would have laughed and thought you were crazy, at the time I couldn’t see where my talents would eventually emerge.

When I retired and after writing my book I became bored and missed helping people so I started volunteering. My dabbling in graphic designing lead me to volunteer my design services to the organization, which lead to more and more projects. Eventually I became their in-house designer for over three years building an impressive portfolio. During that time my skills improved and my creative juices flowed as I took on bigger and more complex projects. Eventually those projects required me to learn and become efficient with designer programs and advance skills. During that time I went from hobbyist to outright designer proud of the work I contributed to the organization.

When my full time volunteer job ended I started to explore and expand another skill transforming my photographs into works of art. What I loved was taking my photos on a journey that transformed and transmuted the very essence of the photo into a portrait that was worthy of display. What started as merely a hobby soon became a creative outlet with commercial success.

Today I still offer graphic design services for those that want to enhance their business or personal persona. Using my intuitive sense I work with the clients to bring their vision to life creating a perfect blend of artistry and mastery. With my artwork I create images that inspire the imagination and enhance the beauty of your environment. It is my passion that ignites the spark of creatively that brings my images to life and your living room.

For more information or to schedule a graphic design consultation contact Gina at today.

Firegal Designs Sample Designs