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What Adverb Will You Use?

This article was originally published in the Autumn 2017 issue of Choices Magazine.  To view the published format, please click here.

When I think of prosperity I think of it within financial terms but that definition falls short of its full meaning. The act of having prosperity is much greater and has far more value than a pure financial sense. Instead, it is an attitude more than a personal goal of financial fortune.

What’s Sprouting From Drama?

This article was originally published in the Summer 2017 issue of Choices Magazine.  To view the published format, please click here.

I like drama. I know, we aren’t supposed to ‘like’ drama as a fully actualized human being but to be quite honest, drama has taught me more in my life than the good times. When my life is sunshine and roses I feel good but I don’t accomplish really big things in my life. […]

Fastest Way to Happiness, Submit!

This article was originally published in the Winter 2016 issue of Choices Magazine.  To view the published format, please click here.

Everyone talks about happiness. Happiness is the utopia of where we would all like to be. You can spend literally thousands of dollars on seminars, self-help and coaching to find the magic elixir to that inner space of bliss. While no one would choose pain intentionally, some still find happiness an […]

What’s on Your Radar Screen?

This article was originally published in the Autumn 2016 issue of Choices Magazine.  To view the published format, please click here.

There is a lot of talk out there about the Law of Attraction. In a nutshell, it says that what you put out is what you receive. I like to think of it as a radar screen. A radar screen is set up to monitor and look for the frequencies it […]

Rethinking Holiday Traditions

This article was originally published in the Autumn 2015 issue of Choices Magazine.  To view the published format, please click here.

I used to like working on holidays… There was something liberating being at the fire station versus home. Maybe it was the lack of traditions and the lowering of expectations that found me there. Those were usually slower days, especially Thanksgiving and Christmas, and we weren’t expected to do our usual […]

Life in a Maybe?

This article was originally published in the Winter 2014 issue of Choices Magazine.  To view the published format, please click here.

Are you living life in a “Maybe?” Maybes are situations where you aren’t quite sure what is going on. Mostly we see them in relationships and the worse thing about them is they make us question our own sanity. There is nothing worse than wondering if what you are thinking is right […]

The Only Three Things Your Boss Wants To Hear

This article was originally published in the Spring 2015 issue of Choices Magazine.  To view the published format, please click here.

No matter what job you have there will come a time when you screw up. It’s evitable, especially if you are in a leadership or management position, something will be said wrong, taken wrong, or done wrong… It’s the law of averages. So, when that time comes, it’s nice to have a course of […]

New Adventures

People always make adventures sound fun, and, they are!  I mean, you get to get out of your comfort zone, try on some new experiences, and push your envelope hoping at the end you come back refreshed and full of vigor and new resolve.  However, most of us come back wanting a vacation to recover from our vacation!  What I mean is- new adventures can be stressful all unto themselves, whether it is in work […]

Committed to What?

Commitment. Now that’s a word that can change a relationship! Just what is it and is it valid? To expect it, embrace it, or have it in your life? Last night I had a conversation with a friend and he got very upset over my use of that word. It got me thinking, just what does commitment actually mean?

According to the World English Dictionary, commitment (noun), is defined as:

  1. The act of committing or pledging,
  2. The state […]